Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If ballerinas ruled the world...

Tonight we went to to the Royal Opera House and saw a performance of "Sleeping Beauty" which really was absolutely wonderful. I had some misgivings, I suppose, not because I dislike ballet, but perhaps because there are so many things to see that I would rather stick to performances that are more my cup of tea. I don't know much about ballet. I don't know when it's good, I don't know when it's bad (within reason, of course). All I know is that it's impressive and pretty. And I figured that's all you need to know.
"Sleeping Beauty" has a simple plot. Girl falls asleep, boy kisses girl, and happily ever after. We sat in the theatre, however, for three and a half hours watching a group of insanely talented performers wow us with the most enjoyable beating of the dead horse that I have ever seen. (By the way, a ballet based on several tutu-clad ballerinas actually beating a dead horse would be quite fun to watch. Maybe I'll write that...)
I think all ballet is by definition quite indulgent which perhaps is why we love it. We don't eat cheesecake because it's good for us and we don't go to the ballet to be mentally stimulated. We go to witness something gorgeous, something whose beauty transcends the simple plots and the overt theatricality of the performance. Sitting there being surrounded by Tchaikovsky's music and witness to feats that should be impossible for the human body, I realized how essential the tenets of ballet are for each of us to live a healthy, balanced life. Perhaps one of the reasons why I'm so delighted by tonight's performance is because I think there's a lot we can learn from the ballet. For example:
1. Simplicity. Something simple but still well-done is worth a thousand overly pretentious dramas, misguided Shakespeares, or overly indulgent comedies.
2. An appreciation of nature. Looking at these dancers I saw flowers blooming and waves crashing and wondered why I spend so many hours pent up inside.
3. Aestheticism. Some things are just pretty. And that's it. And that's okay. (Exhibit A: Jessica Alba.)
4. Romance. If a magical fairy wants to lead me to a sleeping princess who can only be awakened by my kiss, that's fine with me. Bring it on.
5. Beauty. God blessed His children with talents and it's an utter delight to sit back with your opera glasses and take it all in. Genius is inspiring.
So, the ballet was great. I was right, I didn't appreciate it like I appreciated "Small Change" or the Pinter plays. But it was a different experience. (And, be fair, who can beat a matinée of a Pinter play on the West End? And, by the way, yesterday I saw a piece of Mahler. Sort of.) I would recommend it to anyone. Almost.

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