Friday, February 1, 2008


Another letter to the editor that The Daily Universe (for some reason) deemed inappropriate for publication. This is in response to a claim made that one cannot be an LDS Democrat. Enjoy...

I am delighted to finally see some sense in the Readers’ Forum. Though we still have a long way to go, Friday’s “Immoral Support” was certainly a step in the right direction. BYU’s negligence in addressing this important issue is alarming and it’s time we all realize the truth: it is impossible to be a Democrat and an active member of the Church.
We all know that democrats openly support the desecration of the law of chastity and the slaughter of innocent babies, propagate the global warming myth which undermines all revealed doctrine concerning the Second Coming, question the motives behind our holy crusade in Iraq, and slander our pious leader George W. Bush. How can the Lord’s University put up with a secret combination like this? How can we tolerate a group of people who vote using a Ouija Board, who feast upon aborted fetuses, and who sacrifice a Republican virgin every month at the full moon?
It’s time we who support the laws and ordinances of the Restored Gospel take a stand against these wolves in sheep’s clothing and declare before the world that we will no longer support their unhallowed and iniquitous practices and beliefs. The time is coming when BYU applications will ask for political ideology in consideration for university placement and bishops will require proper political affiliation for temple recommend interviews.
Though a complete political cleansing is not yet possible, we can at least distance ourselves from those whose so-called convictions will lead us straightway into hell. We must stand united in purging this hallowed ground from the influence of the father of lies and those who choose to follow him. And there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.